Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Tipping+ Final Conference

Start time:

The EU-funded TIPPING+ project has explored the critical concept of tipping points to improve our scientific understanding and policy implications of deliberate rapid decarbonisation processes in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (CCIRs). Using the insights of over 20 case studies in Europe and elsewhere, it has identified the types of enabling conditions, narratives and dynamics leading to just regional transitions and systemic transformations across different domains and scales.

An overall insight of the project is that the main challenges of enacting rapid just energy transitions in CCIRs are not only about energy transitioning. Understanding how to deal with full-societal transformations that include multiple socio-economic and cultural dimensions and profound changes in governance mechanisms, individual capacities, economic arrangements and collective visions.

In this Final Conference we will openly discuss these tensions, between narratives and policies focusing on sectoral tipping points and full-system transformations and engage participants in conversations focused on: How far regional, national or EU policy makers do want to g? Τowards enacting full-systems transformations (transformative tipping points)? Or else, implement sectorial, partial approaches to energy transitions (sectoral tipping points)? Can both approaches be combined?

Attendance will be both in person at: Mundo-b, Rue d’Edinbourg 26; 1050 Brussels and virtually (link will be sent to online participants a few days before the Final conference). Please contact us if you need more information:

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Franziska Mey

Dr. Franziska Mey

Research Group Leader
franziska [dot] mey [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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