A Guide to Climate Research in Brandenburg
Climate change is one of the greatest and most complex challenges of our time. In 2024, Brandenburg State Government adopted the Brandenburg Climate Plan, a strategy to deliver on the twin goals of achieving climate neutrality and sustainability by 2045. To support the implementation of this strategy, the then Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Climate Action commissioned the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) to compile a guide to climate research in Brandenburg.
Project Lead Sophia Becker (RIFS Potsdam) explains:
"The Klima-Wegweiser Brandenburg aims to strengthen cooperation between science, politics, business and civil society. We must take diverse perspectives on board and foster broad cooperation to ensure that climate protection measures succeed. The guide promises to support these efforts.“
The guide consists of three parts: The first part spans ten subject areas based on Brandenburg’s Climate Plan and showcases research facilities across the state, their long-term contributions to climate and sustainability science, and their research projects in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. The second part lists Brandenburg's research institutions in the field of climate action in alphabetical order and shows how they connect to the subject areas. The third part of the guide is an interactive digital map that highlights research expertise in the field of climate action in Brandenburg and Berlin.
The “Klima-Wegweiser Brandenburg” provides stakeholders from politics, public administration, business, and civil society with an overview of scientific institutes across the state that can support the implementation of climate solutions. The guide is intended to promote dialogue and cooperation between the science community and practitioners in the field.
Friederike Haase, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour, Energy and Climate Action, explains:
"The Guide to Climate Research in Brandenburg is a central element of the state government's climate policy strategy. It creates transparency and will help to bring together actors from science and the business community. The guide will help to fast-track the rollout and uptake of innovative climate solutions and accelerate the transformation. The Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region has an outstanding scientific landscape and we need science, politics, business and civil society to work together to achieve climate neutrality by 2045. This guide is another step in the right direction."
The “Klima-Wegweiser Brandenburg” is also expected to support exchange within the scientific community on topics around climate action and facilitate the development of new joint research initiatives and alliances.
State Secretary Tobias Dünow of the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture:
"Brandenburg's scientific institutions, such as the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences, are world leaders in climate research. In addition to their larger, global perspective, universities and research institutes in Brandenburg are also studying climate action at the local level. Competent, science-based policy advice is vital to the success of climate action. This new guide to climate research in Brandenburg details the scientific and advisory expertise of research institutions throughout the region and creates the basis for new perspectives and collaborations. And we urgently need this if we want to keep the impacts of anthropogenic climate change within manageable limits – globally and here in Brandenburg.“
The Guide to Climate Research in Brandenburg is available (in German only) in print or as a downloadable PDF .
The interactive map is hosted by the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg.