Grounding the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Options for the protection of our precious soil and land resources. Policy Brief
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Müller, A., Lobos Alva, I., Weigelt, J., Bossio, D., Brander, M., Ehlers, K., Götz, A., Herren, H., Louwagie, G., Lovera, S., Matuschke, I., Miggiano, L., Montanarella, L., Obaikol, E., Reeves, J., Bergöö, M., Safriel, U., Sakoh, M., Schmidt, O., Sietchiping, R., Unger, S., Vaturi, T., & Zelaya, S. (2015). Grounding the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Options for the protection of our precious soil and land resources. Policy Brief. IASS Opinion.