Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

The United States: Domestic Transitions and International Leadership Towards Low-Carbon Energy

As the world’s second largest energy consumer and emitter of greenhouse gases, oneof its most important producers of oil and gas and home to the second largest capacityof renewable energy, the United States is a central actor in global energy governance.Energy policy in the United States has been characterised by an open approachwith regard to the choice of energy sources and is aimed at reaching a target trianglecomprising economic competitiveness and employment; energy security; and thedevelopment and deployment of low-carbon energy sources. This “all-of-the-abovestrategy” is reflected not only in domestic energy policy, where state initiatives alsodecisively shape the policy landscape for sustainable energy, but also in US internationalenergy activities.

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Steinbacher, K. (2016). The United States: Domestic Transitions and International Leadership Towards Low-Carbon Energy. In Sustainable Energy in the G20: Prospects for a Global Energy Transition (pp. 103-108). Potsdam: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS).

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