Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Brandenburg Sustainability Platform and Sustainability Council

Dr. Ira Matuschke

Dr. Ira Matuschke

Scientific Head of the Coordination Office
Doris Fuchs Leitungsteam RIFS

Prof. Dr. Doris Fuchs

Scientific Director
The transformation of rural areas is one of the focal points of Brandenburg's sustainability policy.

Brandenburg faces a range of sustainability challenges, including the transformation of its agricultural systems, the energy and traffic transitions, the pursuit of a just transition in Lusatia, climate change adaptation, rural revitalization, the post-pandemic economic recovery, and the protection of water resources. The state government is actively engaging with these challenges and the revision of Brandenburg's sustainability strategy by 2024 will play an important role in these efforts. The RIFS supports the state government by coordinating the work of the Brandenburg Sustainability Platform and providing scientific support to the state's Sustainability Advisory Board.

Brandenburg Sustainability Platform

The Brandenburg Sustainability Platform was founded in 2019 and is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (MLUK). The aim of the platform is to provide an active communication forum and a lively network for the sustainability initiatives in the state. The RIFS hosts the platform's secretariat, which coordinates the platform's day-to-day business, maintains its website. and organizes innovative networking opportunities as well as supporting various working groups and the platform's steering group.

Brandenburg Sustainability Advisory Board

The Advisory Board was appointed by Minister President Dietmar Woidke in February 2021. It is coordinated by the State Chancellery and supported in its scientific work by the RIFS. Ortwin Renn chairs the panel of six experts. The Advisory Board supports the state government's efforts to revise Brandenburg's sustainability strategy, advises government on sustainability issues and works closely with the Sustainability Platform to ensure broad civil society participation. In its first phase (2021-2022), the Advisory Board will focus on two topics: a resilient post-pandemic recovery and the implementation of the energy transition in Brandenburg.