Prof. Shree Raj Shakya
Affiliate Scholar
Shree Raj Shakya is an Associate Professor of the Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University in Nepal. During his affiliation with IOE since 2003, he served as the Director of Center for Energy Studies and Coordinator of MSc in Energy Systems Planning and Management. His research has mainly focused on the renewable energy, energy efficiency, integrated energy-emission-economy systems modelling, environmental emission, low carbon development and co-benefits.
Shree Raj holds a Doctor of Engineering in Energy from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand with specialization in Low Carbon Development Strategy. He contributed to the development of the Biomass Energy Strategy 2017, Energy Efficiency Strategy 2018, and Long-Term Strategy for Net Zero Emissions for Nepal. He was also involved in the human resource and capacity development-based projects under APPEAR, ERASMUS+, GIZ/NEEP etc. He is currently a fellow at Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany and conducting research on the greenhouse gas and ambient air pollutant emissions and its impact on the environment, economy and society.